Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September and a 30-Day Challenge

OK.. I may be a day behind, but what the hell. I'm taking on this 30-day challenge!



To question the role of curriculum.
To question my role as the educator.
To have students generate questions that interest them.
To pursue those questions.
To tear down the "lady with the answer".
To challenge myself to be more thoughtful.
To challenge my students to be more insightful.
To break limits.
To set goals.
To remember and honor the lights of El Milagro.
To tell my coworkers I love them.
To communicate.
To teach for justice.
To keep my mind on equity and privilege.
To be a role model.
To be a leader.
To be resilient.
To be gritty.
To be tough.
To be new.


I am trying to transform the use of the Chromebooks in my classroom. I got my feet wet with the CBs last year, but played around with google drive and used it as a glorified notebook.

What I need to do is find a way for the Chromebooks to be transformative and innovative. I want to use the CBs in a way that bring students together with collaboration rather than provide them with isolated computer literacy courses. 

Though I have looked through numerous apps or programs, I want to use CBs for research, questions, feedback, creations. Does anybody have any good ideas for using CBs in the classroom?

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are trying to move away from mere "digitally convenient" use of ed tech to using technology to "digitally enhance" our students' literacy. I'm on that path, too.I don't use Chromebooks, but I've been experimenting with Drive. I've asked student to "hack" ABCs books. They swapped out the key information from our syllabus, putting it into ABC form. We are using Google Presentations so groups can work together outside of class.
